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Not sure which magnet to buy?
Here is a sample pack of nine different magnets (both iron and neodymium).
Three small neodymium magnets:
Neodymium, 5mm thick X 5mm diameter (Mag-sp-neo-5X5)
Neodymium, 4mm thick X 7mm diameter (ref. Mag-sp-neo-4X7)
Neodymium, 3 X 4 X 20mm (ref. Mag-sp-neo-3X4X20)
Two medium-size neodymium magnets:
Magnet, neodymium, 9mm diameter X 18mm tall (ref. Mag-sp-neo-9X18)
Neodymium, 10 thick X15mm diameter (ref. Mag-sp-neo-10X15)
Four iron magnets:
Iron, 8X4mm (ref. mag-sp-fe-8X4)
Iron 20x10mm (ref. mag-sp-fe-20X10)
Iron, 47 X 22 X 10mm (ref. mag-sp-fe-47X22X10)
Iron, encased in white plastic with hook, 30mm diameter X 5mm thick (ref. mag-sp-fe-30x5(hook). (This one is not in the photograph)
Free Gift
Another magnet. We have quite a few 'odd' sizes, not enough of each to merit putting on the web site, we will find you a nice one.
Magnets for testing
Gold and silver are not magnetic. So when you are presented with dozens of items to test, save time by picking out all the items that are magnetic.
This does NOT mean that there are special magnets for testing gold and silver. If an item is NOT magnetic, it could be...anything (including gold and silver).
Silver is not magnetic, but silver is strongly diamagnetic. If you slide an appropriate magnet down a flat silver surface (e.g. a coin) it will move slowly instead of 'falling off'. Copper is slightly diamagnetic. See our magnets for silver testing.
Copper is not magnetic, neither is brass (a mixture of copper and zinc) or bronze (a mixture of copper and tin). A magnet is useful because many copper / bronze / brass items are really steel that has been plated and will (in most cases) be magnetic. So if an item is magnetic it cannot be solid copper / bronze / brass. Being magnetic does not prove it's steel, not all steel is magnetic.
Ask a Question-
Hi, I bought the set of magnets a few years ago. I keep them all in their poly bags. do they need to be kept especially together or not to keep their magnetism I was thinking if I had a special metal bar I could keep them on just for ease of using and tell me what they all react to. Enjoying them tho.
For such small magnets it really doesn’t make any difference if they all jumbled together or separated by ‘spacers’. They won’t lose their magnetism by being together.
Large powerful magnets must be separated otherwise (once they’ve jumped together) you’ll have extreme difficulty in getting them apart. You could, of course, separate yours just for the sake of neatness, anything small and non-magnetic will do, plastic washers are good.